LINKS: Key Papers and Participants
March 2, 1999
QL'98 Links
If you want to learn more about individual proposals, use the guide below to find key papers presented at the workshop as well as more information about the organizations that sent representatives.
Some of the Key Papers Discussed At the Event
- David Maier (Oregon Graduate Institute)
- "Database Desiderata for an XML Query Language"
- Jonathan Robie (Texcel), Joe Lapp (webMethods Inc.), David Schach (Microsoft)
- "XML Query Language (XQL)"
- Alin Deutsch (University of Pennsylvania), Mary Fernandez (AT&T Labs), Daniela Florescu (INRIA), Alon Levy (University of Washington), Dan Suciu (AT&T Labs)
- "XML-QL"
- W3C Math Working Group
- "The Query Language Position Paper of the Math Working Group"
- W3C XSL Working Group
- "The Query Language Position Paper of the XSL Working Group"
List of Companies Who Attended the Query98 workshop
- Allaire
- Agranat Systems
- AT&T, (2), (3)
- Blue Angel Technologies
- Crystaliz, Inc.
- Fuji Xerox
- Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
- GTE Laboratories
- IBM, (2), XML version of #2, (3)
- Informix
- Inktomi
- Inso Corporation, (2)
- Lotus Development
- Merrill Lynch
- Microsoft, (2), (3), (4), (5)
- Netscape
- Nokia Research
- Object Design, Inc.
- Oracle
- Pervasive Software, Inc.
- Quark, Inc.
- Redwood Risk Management
- SilverPlatter Information, Ltd.
- Sun Microsystems
- SURFnet
- Sybase
- Technion
- Texcel Research, (2), (3)
- Textuality
- webMethods, Inc., (2)
Academic Institutions Who Participated
- Brigham Young University
- Brown University, (2)
- MIT, (2)
- Oregon Graduate Institute
- Politecnico di Milano
- Rutgers University
- Stanford University, (2), (3)
- Udine University
- Universita' di Milano
- Universita' di Roma Tre
- University della Basilicata
- University of Bristol, (2), (3)
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- University of Karlsruhe
- University of Maryland
- University of Pennsylvania, (2)
- University of Toronto, (2)
- University of Washington
- University of Waterloo
Research Facilities
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Library of Congress
- MITRE Corporation, (2)
- National Library of Medicine
- OCLC (Online Computer Library Center, Inc.), (2)
- US Geological Survey, (2)