UML For W3C XML Schema Design
August 7, 2002
Even with the clear advantages it offers over the fast-receding DTD grammar, W3C XML Schema (WXS) cannot be praised for its concision. Indeed, in discussions of XML vocabulary design, the DTD notation is often thrown up on a whiteboard solely for its ability to quickly and completely communicate an idea; the corresponding WXS notation would be laughably awkward, even when WXS will be the implementation language. Thus, UML, a graphical design notation, is all the more attractive for WXS design.
UML is meant for greater things than simple description of data structures. Still the UML metamodel can support Schema design quite well, for wire-serializable types, persistence schema, and many other XML applications. UML and XML are likely to come in frequent professional contact; it would be nice if they could get along. The highest possible degree of integration of code-design and XML-design processes should be sought.
Pushing the Envelope
Application of UML to just about any type model requires an extension profile. There are many possible profiles and mappings between UML and XML, not all of which address the same goals. The XML Metadata Interchange and XMI Production for W3C XML Schema specifications, from the OMG, offer a standard mapping from UML/MOF to WXS for the purpose of exchanging models between UML tools. The model in question may not even be intended for XML production. WXS simply serves as a reliable XML expression of metadata for consumption in some other tool or locale.
My purpose here is to discuss issues in mapping between these two metamodels and to advance a UML profile that will support complete expression of an WXS information set. The major distinction is that XMI puts UML first, so to speak, in some cases settling for a mapping that fails to capture some useful WXS construct, so long as the UML model is well expressed. My aim is to put WXS first and to develop a UML profile for use specifically in WXS design:
- The profile should capture every detail of an XML vocabulary that an WXS could express.
- It should support two-way generation of WXS documents.
I suggest a few stereotypes and tags, many of which dovetail with the XMI-Schema mapping. I discuss specific notation issues as the story unfolds, and highlight the necessary stereotypes and tags.
David Carlson has also done some excellent work in this area, and has proposed an extension profile for this purpose. I disagree with him on at least one major point of modeling and one minor point of notation, but much of what is developed here lines up well with Carlson's profile.
Modeling Simple Types
Traditionally UML models are built with a set of primitive types assumed, per target type model. In XML, things are trickier, since even simple types can be invented in the scope of a single design. To support this, a simpleType stereotype of UML classes is used. UML specialization comes in handy here: a derived simpleType can identify its base type via a specialization relationship.
Under simpleType, the desired constraining facets might be modeled by overloading UML attributes and initial values, making for a convenient and readable notation. (Carlson goes this route, adding a stereotype for attributes as facets.) Even under a stereotype, though, attributes imply some actual state elements, and thus would be misleading. UML constraints offer a more correct notation for constraining facets.
Enumerated types are an exception to either notational choice for facets, since UML offers a standard stereotype for enumerations.
<xs:simpleType name="Review"> <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal"> <xs:minInclusive value="0" /> <xs:maxInclusive value="5" /> <xs:pattern value="[0-5](.5)?" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="G" /> <xs:enumeration value="PG" /> <xs:enumeration value="PG-13" /> <xs:enumeration value="R" /> <xs:enumeration value="NC-17" /> <xs:enumeration value="X" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:complexType name="Movie"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Title" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="review" type="Review" /> <xs:element name="rating" type="Rating" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
List and union types pose a slightly different problem. Unions allow values from any
one of
several spaces as defined by other types. To model this, UML specialization with an
constraint seems the cleanest expression, although no precedent for
this combination has been found. The list is a more obvious mapping: it is a parameterized
type, instantiable on any other simple or complex type in the model.
<xs:simpleType name="IntegerList"> <xs:list itemType="xs:integer" /> </xs:simpleType> <!-- Enumeration Settings not shown. --> <xs:simpleType name="OvenSetting"> <xs:union memberTypes="xs:integer Settings" /> </xs:simpleType> |
Modeling Complex Types
The UML class is well suited to model the WXS complex type. UML attributes pose a slight problem. In most UML-supported type models, there is only one way of implementing a state element, but in XML there are two, attributes and child elements. The latter are the only option when the state element is itself of complex type, but for single values either will do. In some schools, either attribute-only or element-only styles are favored, but for our purposes it's important to support a choice between the two.
Formally, this specialization of a metamodel element is best interpreted as a UML stereotype: the attribute stereotype of UML attributes. XMI allows for exactly this stereotype in "tailoring" schema production. This might seem unwieldy, but UML allows for graphical or textual shorthands for common stereotypes.
With the increasing prevalence of XPath in XML documents, application code, and design discussion, the XPath
prefix for attribute names has much to recommend it. It is wonderfully
brief, already in common parlance, and fits neatly as a shorthand for the attribute
stereotype, in graphical or textual representations.
The type of a UML attribute can be specified in the usual way, whether simple or complex.
Built-in WXS types may be represented by their local names or by using one of the
namespace prefixes xs:
or xsd:
. Also, compositional relationships
can be drawn to identify (UML) attribute type, as we'll see in a moment.
<xs:complexType name="Part"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="price" type="xs:decimal" /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="partID" type="xs:token" /> <xs:attribute name="inStock" type="xs:positiveInteger" /> </xs:complexType> |
Modeling Relationships
Relationships between UML classes line up nicely opposite the WXS options. In UML,
composition (aggregation by value) is not the most basic relationship type, but in
XML it
is, and so we start there. Composition maps to composition, and cardinality maps to
occurrence constraints. The role name can be mapped to the desired attribute or element
name; it can take advantage of the attribute stereotype and the @
<xs:complexType name="Dealership"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="inventoryItem" type="Part" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <!-- Other content omitted. --> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
UML associations are trickier for XML, which is fundamentally hierarchical. XMI maps associations to XLinks, which is sound but exemplifies the problem with using XMI for WXS design, as XLinks are outside the Schema vocabulary. Within WXS associations map most naturally to key references. (This is the major issue with Carlson, who maps all associations as compositions, blurring the distinction between association by value and reference. Associations that are not explicitly modeled as compositions must be preserved in the schema, so that a single instance with multiple references in an object graph is not spuriously multiplied.)
Another difficulty crops up here. Core UML can describe the cardinality of the association,
can give it a name from each side and express navigability. What it cannot do is identify
the selector
and field
components to be used in the WXS.
This information is actually more relational than object-oriented in nature, and it
one of UML's chief weaknesses: identifying key fields. There is no real home for this
information in the UML metamodel -- in UML identity is strictly implicit -- and yet
paths will need to be specified to complete a generated W3C XML Schema. This could
addressed as a tag or a stereotype, and although it's a bit of a forced fit, I propose
a key
stereotype of UML attributes, to be presented via a simple shorthand. Note that this
overlap with the attribute stereotype, resulting in notation such as
. UML modeling tools can automate a mapping between
this stereotype and the definition of an xs:key
governing the enclosing
Also, the association itself will need to identify the ordered list of referencing
to generate an xs:keyref
. This can be derived from the associating role name;
multiple field names can be packed into this name as a list, or can be attached as
<xs:element name="Dealership"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <!-- Referenced types Car and Salesman not shown. --> <xs:element ref="Car" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element ref="Salesman" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:key name="SalesmanKey"> <xs:selector xpath="Salesman" /> <xs:field xpath="@sellerID" /> </xs:key> <xs:keyref name="CarToSalesman" refer="SalesmanKey"> <xs:selector xpath="Car" /> <xs:field xpath="@soldBy" /> </xs:keyref> </xs:element> |
Mappings of UML association cardinality are in fact the primary subject of an earlier XML Schema Clinic article; see "Enforcing Association Cardinality" for a full discussion of implementation strategies.
UML specialization maps more neatly to XML type extension for complex types. Both imply that the derived-type state elements are appended to the base type's state model.
The only trick here is that XML offers another means of complex-type derivation, i.e., estriction. This is another appropriate use of the UML stereotype, and so we define restriction as a stereotype of specialization. In this case the derived UML class will state the changes to the base-class content model; the Schema generator will be expected to merge these changes into the base content model for restatement in the restricted complex type.
Miscellaneous Schema Information
One key question we've yet to address is where the schema element fits into the UML model. There are options here: either the entire model can be directed to a schema, or in more complex models packages may be used to model XML namespaces. In either case there must be a property that identifies the target namespace URI.
The elementFormDefault
and atributeFormDefault
attributes of the
schema element truly live outside the UML world view. These must be properties at
the same
scope as the target namespace, whether package or model.
Also, we've thus far assumed that all content models are sequences. To model a choice,
an {xor}
UML constraint; if you need to model xs:all
, either an
constraint or a separate stereotype of the UML class would do,
but the former is a better conceptual fit.
More from XML Schema Clinic |
One last problem is the distinction between local and global types in WXS. This is actually a more common problem than most we've considered: C++ and Java, among other metamodels, have namespace-partitioning constructs such as nested and inner classes. The UML specification offers a couple of possible notations for nesting one type within another (see section 3.48.2), and most tools have a means of establishing this relationship as well.
Directions: Behavioral XML?
For those of us who've found the absence of behavior modeling frustrating, it's a relief to realize that there is indeed more to XML than data structures. With a robust profile in hand by which WXS can be expressed as UML, we can turn to more adventurous uses, especially for XML messaging. As with all things XML, data is never far from metadata; the WSDL specification shows off XML's ability to encode method invocations, and it plays a schema-like role in prescribing XML message content.
From the humble beginnings of data-centric XML, WSDL descriptors rise once again to the level of object-oriented encapsulations. Now, suddenly, the full power of UML can be brought to bear. A WSDL portType stereotype can express the semantics for an entire Web service and can be the source for a complex generation of not only WSDL and WXS documents, but also service or client code to support SOAP or HTTP messaging. No specific mapping rules are proposed here, but hopefully the following hypothetical will whet the reader's appetite:
For taking the time to discuss various concepts in this article, I'd like to thank Richard K. Fisher and Jean Pierre LeJacq.
Recommended Reading
- XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) 1.2
- XMI Production for XML Schema
- David Carlson, Modeling XML Applications with UML, Addison Wesley.
- David Carlson, "Modeling XML Vocabularies with UML: Part II",
- Migrating from XML DTD to XML-Schema using UML.
- UML to XML Design Rules Project for business messaging