SVG and Typography: Bells and Whistles
June 2, 2004
Fabio Arciniegas A.
In this installment of our discussion of SVG and typography, we make a departure
from the
sobriety of the typographic strategies we've been discussing so far and go for the
half of the fun: the bells and whistles of effects, distortions, coloring, and other
treatments of type.
We will create reusable code (basically a cookbook) of common typographic treatments
implemented in SVG. The idea is to recreate some of the most famous effects you would
from a design book in SVG:
- Blur
- Outer Shadow
- Image within Type
- Type within Image
- Stroke
- Dilate
- Bevel
- Gradients
- Spacing
- Skew
- Mixing
This article is intended as a little arsenal of typographic treatments implemented
in SVG,
not as a tutorial on filters, which is something I will do in future columns. However,
some techniques we take the opportunity to briefly discuss some relevant aspect of
SVG style
and syntax.